For more thorough removal of inorganic salts in the electric desalting tank, inject ( ) before the crude oil enters the tank.
To better separate the oil from the water in the electric desalting tank, inject ( ) before the crude oil enters the tank.
The deemulsifier is injected to destroy the crude oil ( ).
The crude oil processing amount is 5200t/d, add 8 barrels of demulsifier to the demulsifier tank, 15kg per barrel, after 16h is used up, the injection amount of demulsifier is ( ).
When the electric desalting temperature is too high, it will ( ).
The top injection neutralization dose of the tower is adjusted according to ( ).
When the pH of the acidic water at the top of the tower is low, it should ( ).
The order of injection of water, neutralizer and corrosion inhibitor on the volatile line is ( ).
The role of ammonia injection is mainly to neutralize ( ) and improve the anti-corrosion effect.
What is wrong with the following statement about the effect of corrosion inhibitor on the top of the tower is ( ).
Low temperature dew point corrosion occurs mainly in ( ).
What is wrong with the following statement about the effect of corrosion inhibitor on the top of the tower is ( ).
The main corrosion sites for high temperature sulfur and high temperature naphthenic acid are ( ).
When the volatilization line at the top of the tower is serious, it should ( ).
When the acid water at the top of the tower turns darker, it should ( ).